Saturday, December 13, 2014


"PELIGRO .... is not to be part of the story."

So asserts designer Mercedes Salazar of her initiative working with men in Colombian prisons to create hand knit baskets of recycled packing tape.

At the invitation of the Aspen Institute's Artisan Alliance, Mercedes recently traveled to New York to share a video of the project and speak about additional collaborations with indigenous people in neighboring communities, highlights of which include natural woven baskets with gold thread, hand embroidered wool pillows from Chia, and delicate cotton friendship bracelets from Putumayo.

Mercedes spoke about the importance of reviving interest in local, artisanal techniques that do not appeal to the younger generations in many communities, demonstrating through her own efforts that with updates to materials and colors and patterns, the crafts can indeed claim relevance and generate valuable sources of income, too.

Her messages are built into the items she creates, literally.  PELIGRO.  Divina. Unica. Amor. The objects embody the meaning of the message and take on a power of their own.

The person who is lucky enough to wear a piece of Mercedes Salazar jewelry or enjoy a creation from her lifestyle collection knows this power because it is transmitted to them, as well.

Behold the beauty of Mercedes Salazar!! 

Learn more about the important collaborative mission of The Aspen Institute Alliance at

Happy Holidays and New Year!

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